Oxfordshire will feature in BBC1's countryside programme Countryfile this evening.

As part of a 12-month initiative to help and save wildlife called Wild Britain, presenters Ellie Harrison and Hamza Yassin are at Wytham Woods.

Mr Yassin climbs into the canopy of the woods to get a unique view of the species that live there, and finds out the impact of ash dieback on this ecosystem.

Ms Harrison is on call with the Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue Centre, ready to head out with one of their team if a report of an injured animal comes in.

She also visits the Boundary Brook Nature Reserve, a multi-habitat site that provides access to nature for people living in and around the city of Oxford.

Elsewhere, Cotswold Farm Park owner Adam Henson is presenting Countryfile’s Young Countryside Champion award in Newport and finds out what the potential plans are for the future of the Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall that was felled.

The programme airs on BBC1 on Sunday November 5 at 5.15pm.