Military and ex-military personnel will be able to enjoy free travel on bus services across the UK on several days this month.

Stagecoach, which runs buses in Oxfordshire, have made the offer to personnel in uniform, those carrying a military ID card, veterans carrying a badge or medal and cadets.

The free travel will be available on June 6, commemorating D-Day, as well as Armed Forces Day and Weekend on June 29 and 30.

However, the offer does not include Megabus, London and Manchester Bee Network.

The announcement follows the unveiling of a special liveried D-Day bus by Stagecoach’s South team, in partnership with museum The D-Day Story.

The bus forms part of a commemoration, headlined by the D-Day in 80 Objects book, which showcases 80 items spotlighting stories of individuals involved in the event.

Stagecoach will also operate a Park & Ride service with the D-Day and Poppy buses throughout the day.

Simon Tramalloni, interim operations director at Stagecoach Merseyside and Veterans Network Chair, said: “We are extremely proud and honoured to confirm free travel for all serving personnel, veterans and cadets on the 80th D-Day commemoration throughout the UK.

"This is our ongoing commitment to the wider armed forces community and a privilege to remember those that in 1944 gave their tomorrow so we could have our today, this is the least we could do to honour their memory."