Year 11 students at a school in Bicester have celebrated their final day as they approach the end of their exams.

The Cooper School students finished the academic year with shirt signings, an assembly, and awards, led by teachers Mr Lynch and head of year Mrs Patel.

Year 11's at The Cooper School celebrate their final dayYear 11's at The Cooper School celebrate their final day (Image: The Cooper School)

Mrs Patel said: "I just want to say a massive thank you and what a privilege it was to take this year group through from Year 7 all the way to their final day of Year 11 at The Cooper School.

"I am proud of all of you and the way you have conducted yourself and I'm looking forward to celebrating with you at the prom.

"Good luck with everything for the future and enjoy your well-deserved Summer holidays."

The day finished with the students taking their final photos and enjoying ice cream.