A PAEDOPHILE is back in court after being caught downloading and deleting apps on his phone against court orders.

Ethan Nash, 24, was first in court in May 2019 for three counts of possession of extreme pornography and one count of downloading indecent images of children.

He was subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), which prohibited him from certain actions such as deleting internet history, as well as a 24 month community order. The SHPO  was put in place to last for five years.

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Nash, of Rasen Road, Bicester, was in Oxford Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday (July 4) for five breaches of this order.

He was caught downloading and deleting applications such as Discord, a messaging app, from his phone.

Sentencing him to a community order, Judge Nigel Daly said: “You were told not to delete stuff off your phone and you did for whatever reason.

“The reason for the SHPO was so you wouldn’t re-offend, so you wouldn’t download unlawful images of children and you haven’t done that.

“But you have disobeyed court orders so you need to be dealt with.”

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During the sentencing, it was heard that Nash had been visited by his offending officer at his home address in October 2022.

Upon looking at his devices, it was established that Nash had downloaded the Telegram messaging app, downloaded and deleted the Discord messaging app, installed used the Mega files sharping application, used a Replika AI chatbot application, and deleted the Voghion shopping application.

The Prosecution stated that, although pornographic material was phone on his phone, none of it involved children.

Defending Nash, his barrister explained that his client has been advised to ‘be careful’ using applications such as Discord by the offending officer.

Nash had then deleted the app, and thus it’s history, breaching the SHPO.

His barrister stated that Nash has, since his first offence in 2019, started his own family and is a father-of-two.

He also works full-time as a mechanic.

His barrister said: “He understands he needs to be careful not to fall into the misuse of computers in the future.”

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Nash has no other previous offences except for the child and extreme pornography offences five years prior.

Judge Daly order Nash to complete 80 hours of unpaid work – advising him that he will be able to complete it at weekends – as well as to pay court costs and a victim surcharge.

Nash was advised that he could face a custodial sentence if further breaches which established by his offending officers.