“I FELT worried and scared,” said a teenage girl who has accused a Bicester man of offering her drugs and sexually assaulting her.

Stuart Crawford, of Market Way End, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with three counts – three counts of sexual activity with a child and offering to supply a Class A drug, namely cocaine.

The 42-year-old is accused of assaulting a 14-year-old girl on October 22, 2022, outside The Ashton Club in Sheep Street.

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Crawford has admitted to being with the girl in the early hours of the morning but denies sexually touching her or supplying her cocaine.

It is expected his defence will be that he believed the girl was 18 years of age and that he did touch her but not in a sexual manner.

The trial is expected to last three to four days.

During the trial opening on Wednesday (August 14), the prosecuting barrister explained that the teen girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sitting on a bench in Sheep Street with a friend in the early hours of the morning.

It was heard they had been drinking wine when Crawford approached them and asked for the time.

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“She asked him if he had any drugs and he said he had some cocaine,” said the barrister. “She asked if they could so some and he said yes but not there.

“They went to The Ashton Club but it was closed so they set sat on the steps outside. He then put some cocaine on a bank card and held it out for her.

“She said he then sat in front of her and began touching her, she told him her age at around this point…he told he was 28 but she thought he looked older.

“He continued to touch her and moved his hands up her thigh and put his hand up her top and touched her breast and it made her uncomfortable...she felt worried and scared.”

It is then alleged that Crawford had put his hand in her underwear and had sexually assaulted her whilst sat in front of her and then again when sitting behind her on the step.

The girls then told Crawford they need to catch a bus home. The girl said she felt ‘relieved and angry once they had left.

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After telling her mother, she then reported the incident to the police and Crawford was arrested the following day.

He denied the allegations during his police interview but does accept he was there.

The trial continues.