“He was a gentle soul,” said the father of a murder victim whose girlfriend was jailed for life after stabbing him twice in the chest.

Dale Bond, 45, was killed by his girlfriend Bailey Heywood, 23, at his home address in Mullein Road, Bicester on March 13 this year.

She was jailed for life with a minimum term of 17 years and 181 days at Oxford Crown Court on Monday (September 16).

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During her sentencing, several victim impact statements were read out by Mr Bond’s family members.

His father, who described his son as a ‘gentle soul’, wrote: “Prior to Dale being killed, he text us saying he thought he had let us down. I said he was stronger than he thought he was...he was a gentle soul.

“He used to call us every Sunday. I find myself talking to him often and always when I'm outside but of course he can never answer me back.

“[Heywood’s] actions affected us all, they had a ripple effect. We will not just get over this."

Mr Bond's wife, Emma Bond, read her statement to the courtroom.

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She said: “He was my husband, whilst we were going through a divorce when he was killed we were still married.

"We were in rehab together. No one knew Dale better than me, we shared everything in those years, I knew him best.

"After 20 years of marriage we sought a divorce but it was amicable. When I found out he was with Bailey I questioned his life choices. When I heard Bailey said she had killed Dale, I raced to his address.

"I saw her covered in blood, Dale's blood. The pyjamas that Bailey was wearing when she killed Dale were his. His kids bought those for him for Christmas, this broke my heart all over again.

"I am devastated she has killed Dale and made his family sit through her lies during trial. The only truth I know is Dale is dead and Bailey killed him.

"Dale could not defend himself...he is not the man she made him out to be. I've not seen one shred of apology or guilt [from her]."

Mr Bond’s sister also wrote a statement, she said: “My birthday is one day away from Dale's, we will never again celebrate our birthdays jointly.

“He was my big brother, my protector.

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"We never got to say our goodbyes, my family and I will never get over this."

His mother also added: “No mother should ever have to lose a child, it's the worst pain I've ever felt.

"I believe in God and know I will see him again one day. Whilst he waits for me, I've asked grandad to look over him."