A football player has been found guilty of attacking an opposing team member after being ridiculed about losing a game.

Michael Hicks, a former Chesterton FC player, was on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm after attacking a player from Charlton United Football Club in Charlton-on-Otmoor near Islip. 

It was heard that Hicks, known to friends as 'Hicksie', had attacked the player outside his home in Bicester on March 10, 2020, several days after being ridiculed for losing a game.

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The 39-year-old, of Bannerman Drive in Brackley, Northamptonshire, denied the offence but was found guilty after a trial.

During the proceedings, it was heard that Hicks used to be a player for Charlton FC but had moved to Chesterton FC.

The two teams then played against each other in March 2020 – resulting in a win from the latter.

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Hicks had been ‘ripped into’ for losing the match including a message ridiculing him which was sent in the Chesterton FC group chat about Hicks which had made its way back to him.

Days later, a player from Chesterton FC saw the defendant outside his home who attacked the player, punching him several times causing him to fall and continuing to kick him whilst he was down.

Hicks will be sentenced at the same court on November 18.