The longest-serving trustee at a charity supporting Oxfordshire's unpaid carers has stepped down from her role.

Judith Wardle, a founding trustee of Action for Carers Oxfordshire, has stepped down after 12 years of voluntary service.

The charity, which provides support and information for unpaid carers across the county, was established in 2012.

Ms Wardle's personal experiences as an unpaid carer inspired her to support the charity. In her teens, she helped her parents when her older sister had a breakdown.

Years later, in 1984, her five-year-old son, who had already battled a kidney tumour, was involved in a car accident, resulting in a brain injury.

Struggling to find support services, Ms Wardle relied on other carers for information.

Andrew Lane, chair of trustees, said: "We are so very grateful to Judith for her commitment to Action for Carers Oxfordshire.

"During her many years of dedicated service as trustee, she has played a significant part in improving the lives of older people and unpaid carers in Oxfordshire."

In 1991, when the Oxfordshire Carers’ Forum was formed, Ms Wardle offered her services as treasurer.

The forum was set up after the Princess Royal Trust for Carers gave a grant to Oxfordshire to set up carers’ centres and to enable carers to set up their own charity.

Most of the members of Oxfordshire Carers’ Forum were family carers, but there was also a membership category for people working in public services for carers.

Ms Wardle later became chair of the forum and played a key role in the creation of Action for Carers Oxfordshire.

She also served as a trustee for Age UK Oxfordshire, the sister charity of Action for Carers Oxfordshire, from 2012 to 2020.

Her knowledge of NHS and social care structures, charity legislation, and parliamentary lobbying, alongside her personal experience as an unpaid carer, has been "invaluable" for the charities.

Ms Wardle is now offering her skills to the parish of North Leigh, where she lives and is involved in creating a neighbourhood plan.

She remains a campaigner, advocating for carers, fighting against NHS privatisation, and participating in environmental organisations.

Action for Carers Oxfordshire continues its mission to improve the lives of unpaid carers in the county.

The charity is currently seeking new trustees to join its board, who share its commitment to making a difference in carers’ lives.

It is provides support and information to adult carers aged 18 and older in Oxfordshire and is commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council,

Potential volunteers can find more information through the charity's website, by emailing, or calling 01235 424 715.