A consultation findings report from Oxfordshire County Council states that 80 per cent of respondents "did not support" a cycling trial which is set to be approved.

This comes as a decision is due to be made today (November 14) at the Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management meeting on whether a trial which will allow cyclists to travel through Sheep Street in Bicester will go ahead.

The trial is set to be approved by Andrew Gant, cabinet member for transport management. 

There is currently no cycling allowed on Sheep Street.

A consultation which closed on August 31 aimed to gather feedback from residents and business owners of Bicester on the proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) for Sheep Street to allow cycling.

READ MORE: Cycling set to be approved on Sheep Street in Bicester

Views were sought on allowing cyclists to travel through Sheep Street either at all times of day or with restrictions (no cycling) during the Friday market day.

The consultation received 1,254 responses via "Let's Talk Oxfordshire," survey portal as well as 13 postal submissions of the survey, therefore 1267 responses overall.

The consultation report states that "feedback highlighted a divided community sentiment".

Andrew Gant is set to approve the trial todayAndrew Gant is set to approve the trial today (Image: Ed Nix.) It stated that 21 per cent of respondents supported the proposed ETRO, citing reasons such as improved cycling accessibility, environmental and health benefits, and successful examples from other locations. However, the majority, 77 per cent, expressed concerns about the proposal.

The report stated that key issues raised included safety risks for pedestrians, potential negative impacts on footfall to local businesses, and the increased likelihood of collisions between people walking and cycling.

It said a small proportion, 2 per cent of respondents, were neutral regarding the proposal, but added that some cited in the free text box that they were open to the ETRO provided there were clear restrictions, such as designated cycle paths or additional safety measures to protect pedestrians.

READ MORE: Full statement on Bicester sports ground weekend closure

The report said in considering if a trial should go ahead to allow cycling 80 per cent of people did not support cycling at any time, leading to 20 per cent of people agreeing some type of trial should go ahead.

According to the report, there were "mixed views'" about allowing cycling or not during the Friday market, however 11 per cent felt this was worth trialling cycling except on Friday.

It also noted that 10 per cent of people who identified as having a disability agreed with a trial going ahead, some of these respondents may use a cycle to make moving around easier due to their disability; however most people with a disability did not want a trial to go ahead.