A free mental health service for 11 to 18-year-olds has launched across Oxfordshire.

Tellmi, a mental health app, has been commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council to provide additional support to young people who need it.

The app offers 365-day access to a pre-moderated space where users can anonymously discuss their feelings.

In-house counsellors are available to support high-risk users when necessary, but there are no referrals and no thresholds for accessing support.

The app also provides access to a directory of more than 700 vetted crisis, specialist, and local support services.

Councillor Nathan Ley, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for public health, inequalities, and community safety, said: "We are delighted to launch Tellmi, an interactive digital app.

"This app will be freely available to support all young people in secondary schools in Oxfordshire and local organisations that would like more support to help them deal with young people’s concerns about mental health and wellbeing."

Since 2015, Oxfordshire has seen a consistent rise in school pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs.

According to the 2023 OxWell Student Survey, 33 per cent of students in Years 7 to 13 reported serious thoughts about self-harm, and 19 per cent of secondary school students said they often felt lonely.

The app can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store, and the webapp can be accessed at Tellmi.app.